3D sketches; competition entries and design proposal

I am a designer for hire. When you see something that might sort of fit what you are looking for, contact me. All designs shown are mine.



bamboe akoestische schermen



sketch wallpiece SPRMRKT

inspiratie 3D schets, wall art


sketch hanging steel plant-rack

made to measuinspiratie 3D schets hangende plantenwand



harbour sign sketch Lloyd hotel


inspiratie 3D schets, lloyd pier


Freestyle ottoman

inspiratie 3D schets



proposal P+R Almelo

3D schets P+R competitie



system ceiling addition (met steun van FBKVB)

inspiratie 3D schets systeemplafond



3D sketch magazine screen Cover

tijschriftenrek leestafel roomdivider


sketches freestyle

inspiratie, 3D schets

Niets moet, alles kan.

Voor alle schetsen geldt: als u iets ziet dat u aanspreekt, bel me op. Over ieder soort aanpassing of herontwerp valt te praten. Alle ontwerpen zijn van mij.



 Freestyle wall-art / roomdivider design

feature wall; braided wood, rubber and rings



System ceiling add-on, part of a project

system ceiling tile update, design proposal
system ceiling tile update


Entry to design competition for exterior P+R

sketch green exterior P+R design proposal

Cutout grid on gold wall, design proposal

design proposal feature wall



Freestyle sketch for a lunch pond in office area

Sketch for a lunch pond in office area


Entry to Beck’s bar interior competition

For me it was mostly about the tiled wall with a skyline from a commercial.. Made it to the finels though.

My entry for a Beck's bar interior design competition
My entry for a Beck’s bar interior design competition


Design proposal for a wallpiece, for Shampoo planet

shampoo interior design featurewall sketch


Tile / grout pattern design

tile grout pattern design


Freestyle ottoman design

ottoman design



Stainless steel sign proposal for Lloyd hotel’s docks.

Lloyd hotel pier